We are dedicated to ensuring you achieve the highest value possible. On our platform potential buyers don't have a list price; all they know is your beautiful property is for sale and will be sold on a particular date.
When selling your property via traditional means, you are often removed from negotiation and kept in the dark about offers. Our platform allows you to see everyone interested. No secrets. No surprises. No stress.
Know exactly how much buyers are willing to pay for your property without advertising your list price. We don’t stop working until your property is sold. We are with you every step of the way.
Our process allows you to set your own timeline of when you want to sell. No waiting around, guessing when your property will sell-or not sell.
The Harcourts Platform process has over a 90% list to sell ratio.
On average, in an area, the list to sell ratio is between 30%-50%
Our Platform listings have experienced at least 50% more inquiry than a traditional listing.
Traditional listings received at least 50% less inquiry, which means less competition.
Total Properties Listed
Properties Sold
Total Clearance
Average Number of Showings Through a Platform Property
Properties Which Receive Offers Before Expected Day
More Showings than Traditional Listings
90% of People would research a platform property before a traditional listing.
Reasons Quoted:
We pride ourselves in providing personalized solutions that bring our clients closer to their dream properties and enhance their long-term wealth. Contact us today to find out how we can be of assistance to you!